Useful Links
Queensland Little Athletics is the parent body for Little Athletics in Queensland. Please visit for LAQ competitions and results, along with the Competition Handbook which sets down the rules and regulations of LAQ competitions.
Fair Play is the part of the Queensland Governments’ Get in the Game programme which is aimed at encouraging more kids to be active and healthy and participate in sport. Fair Play provides eligible families with assistance to cover the registration fees associated with sports. Check it out and see if you are eligible!
University of the Sunshine Coast Athletics Club (Seniors). We are proud of our association with the “Seniors” and offer a dual membership for eligible athletes. If you want to take your athletics to the next level then visit the USCAC site.
Hart Sports These guys sell every type of athletic item ranging from shot puts to full synthetic running tracks, you name it they have got it and they also send goods by post. They also sponsor Little Athletics so please support our friends at Harts.
Queensland Academy of Sport. The QAS aims to assist talented athletes and coaches within the State achieve excellence in their chosen sport and to foster their personal and professional development.
Australian Track & Field Coaches Association. Great info for anyone thinking about getting into coaching.
Queensland School Sports. The site of QLD School Sport. Results, links and contacts for all QLD sports.
Sports Coach Home Page is a fantastic UK site with loads of information on skills training and coaching on all athletic disciplines.
Little Athletics Australia and Athletics Australia are the national governing bodies for Athletics in Australia. Lots of information on our professional athletes, competition calendars and results.
OzTrack. Training and coaching information for serious athletes across all athletic disciplines.